19 research outputs found

    Multivalued logic systems for technical applications

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    Velmi často je vyžadováno, aby automatizovaná zařízení byla jistým způsobem "inteligentní", tedy aby jejich řídicí systémy uměly emulovat rozhodovací proces. Tato diplomová práce poskytuje obecný formální popis vícehodnotových logických systémů schopných zmíněné emulace a jejich souvislost s teorií fuzzy množin. Jsou uvedeny způsoby vytváření matematických modelů založených na lingvistických datech. Dále se práce zabývá znalostními bázemi a jejich vlastnostmi. Součástí této práce je také počítačový program sloužící k tvorbě slovních modelů.Automated devices are very often required to exhibit some kind of an intelligent behaviour, which means that their control systems must be able to emulate the reasoning process. This diploma thesis provides a general formal description of multivalued logic systems capable of such an emulation and their connection with the fuzzy set theory. Ways of constructing mathematical models based on linguistic data are described. Also, knowledge bases and their properties are discussed. A computer program serving as a linguistic model development tool is a part of this thesis.

    New Elements of Heat Transfer Efficiency Improvement in Systems and Units

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    Zvýšení efektivity výměny tepla vede k poklesu spotřeby energie, což se následně projeví sníženými provozními náklady, poklesem produkce emisí a potažmo také snížením dopadu na životní prostředí. Běžné způsoby zefektivňování přenosu tepla jako např. přidání žeber či vestaveb do trubek ovšem nemusí být vždy vhodné nebo proveditelné -- zvláště při rekuperaci tepla z proudů s vysokou zanášivostí. Jelikož intenzita přestupu tepla závisí i na charakteru proudění, distribuci toku a zanášení, které lze všechny výrazně ovlivnit tvarem jednotlivých součástí distribučního systému, bylo sestaveno několik zjednodušených modelů pro rychlou a dostatečně přesnou predikci distribuce a také aplikace pro tvarovou optimalizaci distribučních systémů využívající právě tyto modely. Přesnost jednoho z modelů byla dále zvýšena pomocí dat získaných analýzou 282 distribučních systémů v softwaru ANSYS FLUENT. Vytvořené aplikace pak lze využít během návrhu zařízení na výměnu tepla ke zvýšení jejich výkonu a spolehlivosti.Improved heat transfer efficiency leads to decrease in energy consumption which then results in lower equipment operational cost, reduced emissions, and consequently also lower environmental impact. However, common enhancement approaches such as adding fins or tube inserts may not always be suitable or feasible -- especially in case of heat recovery from streams having a high fouling propensity. Since heat transfer rate depends also on flow field characteristics, fluid distribution, and fouling which can all be greatly influenced by the actual shapes of flow system components, several simplified models for fast and accurate enough prediction of fluid distribution as well as applications for shape optimization based on these models were developed. In addition, accuracy of one of the models was further increased by fine-tuning it using data obtained by evaluation of 282 flow systems in the fluid flow modelling software ANSYS FLUENT. The created applications can then be employed during the design of heat exchange units to improve their performance and reliability.

    Improving performance of simplified computational fluid dynamics models via symmetric successive overrelaxation

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    The ability to model fluid flow and heat transfer in process equipment (e.g., shell-and-tube heat exchangers) is often critical. What is more, many different geometric variants may need to be evaluated during the design process. Although this can be done using detailed computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models, the time needed to evaluate a single variant can easily reach tens of hours on powerful computing hardware. Simplified CFD models providing solutions in much shorter time frames may, therefore, be employed instead. Still, even these models can prove to be too slow or not robust enough when used in optimization algorithms. Effort is thus devoted to further improving their performance by applying the symmetric successive overrelaxation (SSOR) preconditioning technique in which, in contrast to, e.g., incomplete lower–upper factorization (ILU), the respective preconditioning matrix can always be constructed. Because the efficacy of SSOR is influenced by the selection of forward and backward relaxation factors, whose direct calculation is prohibitively expensive, their combinations are experimentally investigated using several representative meshes. Performance is then compared in terms of the single-core computational time needed to reach a converged steady-state solution, and recommendations are made regarding relaxation factor combinations generally suitable for the discussed purpose. It is shown that SSOR can be used as a suitable fallback preconditioner for the fast-performing, but numerically sensitive, incomplete lower–upper factorization

    LOGO na základní škole

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    The goal was to create school educational device with use of PLC machine Siemens LOGO with field of use in elementary school. Main advantages are low purchase price, easy construction and programming, last but not least very wide spectrum of use. While for someone LOGO can operate many functions in their household or electric motors or servomotor in industrial use, we decided to integrate it into an easy to use module and bring the basics of automation closer to elementary school students

    Three-dimensionally preserved siphuncle in an actinoceratid cephalopod from the late Katian of Bohemia

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    The Ordovician to Carboniferous cephalopods of the order Actinoceratida (Teichert, 1933) are distinguished from all other cephalopods by their large siphuncles, which typically contain heavy, calcareous deposits enclosing a complex system of canals. These peculiar structures were already recognised in the 19th century, but it was only in the 20th century that they were properly described and interpreted in a more systematic manner with respect to the phylogeny and palaeoecology of the group. In the present study, we investigate a uniquely preserved actinoceratid cephalopod from the late Katian part of the Králův Dvůr Formation (Prague Basin, Central Bohemia), in order to address the magnificent works of C. Teichert, R. H. Flower, M. Wade and H. Mutvei. The specimen, tentatively assigned to the ormoceratidan genus Adamsoceras, consists of four isolated fragments of the siphuncle (nine siphuncular segments) and small remains of phragmocone chambers. All original calcareous parts of the conch were dissolved during diagenesis and fossilisation processes, while the spaces left by decayed soft tissues were filled with pyrite (secondarily converted into limonite). In other words, the specimen is a cast of the axial canal, radial canals and perispatium, plus some remains of phragmocone chambers. Cavities inside the cast mirror the shape of dissolved endosiphuncular deposits and ectosiphuncle; nothing is preserved of the outer shell wall and septa. The remains of phrag­mocone chambers are diagenetically flattened, but the siphuncle is undeformed, supposedly because it was protected against compaction by the extensive endosiphuncular deposits and possibly by the filling of the endosiphuncular canals with pyrite. The preservation of the specimen enabled the application of the micro-CT scanning. This non-destructive method has proved invaluable for studying fossils that cannot be otherwise studied using standard oriented sectioning. It also enabled the construction of a virtual model of the specimen, which facilitated the investigation of the siphuncular structure in 3D. Preliminary results show that the endosiphuncular deposits grew unevenly, resulting in highly irregular shapes and distribution of the radial canals, and an irregularly flattened form of the central canal. The flattening of the central canal is interpreted as reflecting the dorso-ventral plane of sym­metry of the siphuncle. Furthermore, the endosiphuncular structures did not form symmetrically and their appearance depends on the selected median section. This suggests that the distinction between several types of endosiphuncular systems sensu Teichert and Flower and the taxonomy derived from these distinctions might be, at least in some actinoceratids, artificial, resulting from studying specimens in 2D median sections. The studied specimen represents the only unequivocal actinoceratid from the Ordovician of the high-palaeolatitude Prague Basin. Since actinoceratid cephalopods were abundant during the Ordovician mainly in low-palaeolatitude carbonate environments, the presence of this specimen in the Prague Basin supports previous indications of a faunal connection between the high and low palaeolatitudes during the late Katian age

    Siemens logo na základní škole

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    Projekt s využitím průmyslového PLC automatu byl naší semestrální prací předmětu KMT/AMKB. Cílem bylo s pomocí ryze průmyslové součástky jako je Siemens Logo vytvořit učební pomůcku pro žáky základní školy k rozvíjení jejich povědomí o automatizaci jako takové a jejich přemýšlení v tomto směru. Výukový modul měl umět jednoduché úkoly automatizace, které mohli žáci sami tvořit v softwaru Logosoft Comfort od výrobce SiemensThe project using an industrial PLC controller was our semester work for the KMT/AMKB subject. The goal was to create an educational tool for elementary school students using a purely industrial component such as Siemens Logo to develop their awareness of automation as such and their thinking in this direction. The educational module was supposed to be able to perform simple automation tasks that students could create themselves in the Logosoft Comfort software from Siemens

    Mathematical modeling of drying processes of selected fruits and vegetables

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    This study investigates the behavior of fruit and vegetable samples during drying. The experimental data are fitted to several different thin-layer drying models. Regression analysis is used to determine model parameters, while statistical indicators serve to evaluate the goodness of fit. The power function model gives the best fit for all examined samples. Based on this model, different drying and heat storage technologies can be combined to ensure that the required residual moisture content of an agricultural product is reached. It is demonstrated on the case of a specific Togolese processing plant that under favorable conditions, fossil fuel consumption can be decreased by 33 %

    Indirect Convective Solar Drying Process of Pineapples as Part of Circular Economy Strategy

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    This study investigates the industrial-scale application of a simple convective solar drying process of pineapples as part of a circular economy strategy for developing countries. A renewable energy concept is presented, which follows the circular economy aims by effectively employing a simple system for biogas production and a two-stage drying system. Both these systems meet the requirements for implementation in the specific conditions of developing countries, of which Togo, where pineapple is a major crop, is taken as an example. With respect to earlier findings available in the literature, the paper focuses on the solar drying process, which is critical to the proposed strategy. A portable solar dryer working in indirect heating mode was built and later also modified to enhance its performance. Three main factors influencing the convective drying process, namely, drying time (270 min, 480 min), solar radiation intensity (650 W/m2, 1100 W/m2), and slice thickness (6–8 mm, 12–14 mm), were considered. The statistical Design of Experiments (DOE) method was applied to reduce the number and scope of experiments. In the best case, the moisture content was reduced from 87.3 wt % in fresh samples to 29.4 wt % in dried samples, which did not meet the quality requirements for dried fruit. An additional conventional post-solar drying procedure would, therefore, still be necessary. Nonetheless, the results show that in the case of pineapple drying the consumption of fossil fuels can be decreased significantly if convective solar pre-drying is employed